The moment your little one starts commando-crawling across the floor, it’s time to start your search for baby gates. An essential baby– and pet! - proofing product, safety gates help keep your baby from getting into places they shouldn’t. Because once they figure out how to move around, kids want to explore the whole house. If you’re trying to figure out what gate is right for your family, we’re here to help make sense of the world of safety gates. 

Pressure-Mounted vs. Hardware-Mounted Baby Gates

Hardware-Mounted Gates attach directly to the wall or doorway with screws or additional hardware. Always use a hardware mounted gate at the top of stairs – these gates are the most secure.

Pressure-Mounted Gates are installed using pressure applied against the walls rather than screwing into the wall. While these gates are great for doorways or entryways where you may need to move the gate frequently, they should not be used at the top of the stairs, as they can fall over if not properly installed. The pressure used to keep the gate installed can decrease over time and needs to be regularly tightened to keep the gate secure. To make it easy for parents to know when it's time to tighten the gate, Safety 1st gates feature SecureTech - a red/green visual indicator system that lets you know when the gate has lost pressure and needs to be tightened and when it is properly locked.

Size Matters

Before you buy a child or pet safety gate, measure the space you intend to use it in. Different gates have different size ranges, so measuring will ensure the most secure fit. Most traditional baby gates are designed to fit within a standard doorway so if you are looking to block off a wider space, look for extra wide gates.  

Account for Jumping

While it will take 6-9 months for a baby to start crawling around, your puppy or kitten will be zooming and jumping all over the place within a few weeks. To prevent your safety gate from becoming no more than a fun new hurdling toy, make sure to account for how high your furball can jump.